Monday 28 January 2013

Case Study on Institutions: Empire: Ancillary

Empire Magazine is one of the biggest branded Film Magazines, and is published monthly since 1989. The content of the magazine often include articles on up coming films, reviews of films that have been recently released, interviews with directors and actors and about 3 large features on specific films, be it a whole genre or the work of one director etc. I will have to create a film magazine name and a section the review will come in. As mine will be a short, niche film it would not appear in the mainstream films section, so I must devote a page in this magazine as a sort of niche area of the magazine, perhaps focusing on films at certain festivals.

Friday 25 January 2013

DVD Cover

Like all films, after the initial cinema release, it will be released onto other formats, including DVD's and Blu-Ray. Whilst mine would be a short film it would be very unlikely to be published as a DVD due to the small budget and length of the feature. Despite this, I thought it would be interesting to create one, following the conventions of DVD's, including the rating system and reviews. I have also used a different cover to that used on the poster, to make it look different and interesting. I have also included a new tagline, as it is common for films to have different taglines. This time I have used the generic statement "The only thing to fear is fear itself". I have used the same awards from Film Festivals as on the poster