Thursday 6 December 2012

Characters in my Film

I have two characters in my film at the moment. Because of the small cast it will be easier to set up rehearsal and filming schedules. Most of the time there is only one character in the scene, the at the moment unnamed protagonist, with the villain making occasional appearances throughout, particularly at the climax. Here I hope to write a short character profile for my characters, so I will have a better understanding of how they should look and act within the context of a Horror film, and do they conform to the genre.

Protagonist: My unnamed protagonist for my film should be an Everyman style character. He must appear just ordinary, with an ordinary office job and living in an ordinary house. This helps the audience relate more to his character, and then it makes it hit back home more when he the horror unfolds.
Despite his appearance as an Everyman character, he is exasperated with the constant annoyances and tediousness of his work and life, which will be shown in a frantic montage of images and sounds in his office. It will be shown that he has to take pills for something, which could be the MacGuffin plot devise or the  mystery that is left unresolved in the film; the audience never discover what pills the character has to take so perhaps all the horror is really his own hallucination? or it could be something as tame and simple as Paracetamol.
The character must hold the films narrative with his genuine feelings of terror at the situation, which is as much a mystery to him as it is to his audience. He must convey feelings of exasperation and annoyance at first, then confusion, then genuine fear and finally intense terror. He will wear a shirt and tie, just regular office clothes, which will contrast with the villains costume.

Villain: The villain must be the image to the film, the iconic character that could perhaps appear in the sequels and become the image of the series. Because of the villains need to be iconic on a competitive market, so I have given it an easily recognizable mask which shrouds its personality, identity and sex. The true nature of the villain is shrouded in mystery; we are never sure on his motive for torturing the protagonist and whether or not it is even real. the fact the protagonist runs out of pills shortly before the haunting from the villain. The psychological torture the villain administers is particularly dark and pessimistic, juxtaposing happy music with its sadistic murders. I want my villain to be named Jokerface, linking it to similar named characters Ghostface and Leatherface, and also because of the Jester style on the mask.

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