Thursday 13 December 2012

Film Regulations and Certifications

My film will most likely be rated a 15 on the BBFC rating system due to drug use with the pills and scenes of violence and terror. Most Horror films are rated 18 but as mine will be on a low budget so will not have such extreme scenes of violence and gore, or any scenes of sexuality due to the limits of my short cast.

I have to also consider where a short film in general would be played. Often short films have a very niche audience, being played at short film festivals all around the world. Despite this the general public will usually watch a short film on the popular video website YouTube, which could be shared onto popular social networking sites Facebook and Twitter. Occasionally, short films can be shown on Channel 4 and other similarly diverse and indie channels. I would like my short film to be a teaser short for a much larger film starring the villain from the short.

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