Thursday 13 December 2012

Extra Advertisement for my Film: Facebook Page

I have been considering how films like mine can be advertised on the market. The most obvious ways of advertising a short film is to have advertisements in Film magazines and Posters (Both of which I will be creating for my Ancillary tasks) Or trailers on TV and at the Cinema. But as we now live in a more multimedia age there are more useful places to put advertisements when attracting a younger audience. Often, with bigger budget films, the film maker will pay the video playing website YouTube, so there film will appear as a recommended video on similar pages and have the trailer appear as advertisements on videos. The trailer and video can be shared on popular social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, where it can trend and appear on more peoples feeds on Facebook and #discovery trending videos on Twitter. This increases the chances of it being seen by the larger audience. As I do not have the budget to pay for advertising or trending, I instead decided to make a Facebook page for my film, which can be done for free and can be shared amongst mutual friends. As Facebook is the most popular social networking site it is more likely to be seen by more people and thus the film will have a larger spread. I will include the Facebook address on my film poster
The page can be seen here-

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