Tuesday 4 December 2012

Initial Film Poster: Ancillary Task

Here is my first rough idea of a poster for my short Horror film, initially called When Will It End. I have tried to stick to a monochrome colour scheme with added red which connotes blood, violence and murder, and have included a sneaky look at my villain. The typography is stereotypical to the genre, looking like splattered blood. There is only one section with light so it adds mystery to the image, and remains faithful to the genre having a setting at night. The mask still has colour on it adding to the iconography of the character and so the eye is drawn to it. Conventional features of film posters that I have included is the film title (the largest piece of text on the page), a tagline relating to the major themes of the film ("Be careful what you wish for"), production info that is small and unreadable and bold text explaining when it will be released. I also included a Facebook widget that will help advertise the film multimedially and to spread it to Facebook users, the majority of whom will be the intended teenage audience. I have included both my original drawing and a roughly photo-shopped image. I put the photo on the popular social networking site Facebook, and I have included some of the most helpful comments from this, which I hope to incorporate on my finished poster.

I also have created a second film poster, as most films have two posters on release. This is far more simplistic than my first poster, showing a distorted image of the text with nothing but the title on the poster. Whilst this is effective, I have decided to use my first poster, as whilst the second is more minimalistic and interesting, the first design contains all the necessary information needed for an effective poster

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